Dr. Tanshanicka S. Helem

Family Nurse Practitioner

DNP essential VII. Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving the Nation’s Health

Analysis of epidemiological, biostatical, environmental, and other appropriate scientific data related to individual, aggregate, and population health. In addition, synthesis of concepts, including psychosocial dimensions and cultural diversity, related to clinical prevention and population health in developing, implementing, and evaluating interventions to address health promotion/disease prevention efforts. After reviewing my studies, my biostatistics course where I was able to analyze and collect data helped contribute to this competency . I am continuously  identifying the gaps in practice.


Examples of documenting this Essential are available below:

GAP Analysis
Survey Report


Utilizing this essential, I have learned how to employ health promotion and risk reduction through a nursing perspective in order to improve the health of individuals. Implementation of the screen and treat program would contribute to our public health initiatives to treat women in one visit and not allow precancerous cells to progress due to loss of follow up.   I also took the IHI Quadruple Aim training course  and I am now leading a team at my organization on how we will put the joy back in work. We have started this initiative by reviewing all staff salaries and making sure that they are at market level. Presently, we are reevaluating the benefits package and policy for requested time off. The topics above also demonstrate how I was able to evaluate and analyze research in order to develop effective treatment options for patients with cervical cancer. I created a benefis/risk assessment to support the IMPACT of using thermoablation in primary care settings.  I am also white belt six sigma trained. I am leading a team on cost reduction of supplies. I am hoping to purchase an automated tracking system.