Dr. Tanshanicka S. Helem

Family Nurse Practitioner

DNP Essential VI. Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes

In the multi-tiered, complex health care environment of today, nursing practice experts, in collaboration with other healthcare professionals, can assume leadership roles. By achieving this central role when appropriate and employing effective communication skills, DNPs can overcome interprofessional impediments to practice and assure timely, effective, and efficient patient-centered care. Throughout my DNP journey I have learned how to collaborate with others on an interdisciplinary effort to improve patient outcomes. I have developed a relationship with Dr. Dean Wallace who is the creator of the Thermocoagulator through Liger/Cure Medical and he has assisted me from the beginning of this project. Dr. Wallace trains his residents at Stanford University to use thermoablation in screen and treat approach. I will continue to grow in this essential by consulting with my chair of my project as well as my personal mentor.


Dean Wallace

Wm. Dean Wallace, obtained an MD and PhD from the University of Utah, then founded several medical companies that grew and were successfully sold to larger companies. He recently started a new company, Liger Medical LLC. (www.curemedicalglobal.com), which focuses on treating pre‐cancerous lesions of the cervix with the hope to eradicate cervical cancer world-wide.

He was previously the President, CEO, of Clinical Innovations, Inc., Murray, and Utah Medical Products, Inc., a clinical assistant professor  at the University of Utah, and is listed as inventor on over 20 medical patents related to women’s healthcare medical devices. He is happily married, and the father of four children and 12 wonderful grandchildren.

Project give hope.org

Examples of documenting this Essential are available below:

Harvard Global Summit I
Harvard Global Summit II
Harvard Global Summit III


Through the outcomes course, I have learned how to collaborate with others on an interdisciplinary effort to improve patient outcomes.  The development of effective communication skills has benefited myself as a practitioner as I continue to work on interdisciplinary teams in the care of the underserved.  Each day is an interdisciplinary effort between clinical staff assistants, medical assistants, nurses, and physicians.  Regularly I collaborate with other physicians, such as primary care, radiologists, pain management, and surgical residents, in the care of my patients providing them with the most cost-efficient, quality outcomes.  I have learned how to serve as a leader assisting in the education of nurses and nurse practitioners at my facility and being a professional consultant in regards to cervical cancer.